文章来源: 发布时间:2013-08-18

    郝东云 ,男1962年10月12日出生,博士生导师。现任bet365365娱乐场农业生物技术研究所所长,国家二研究员,院学术委员会副主任、生物技术所首席研究员。1986年9月至1989年7月于兰州大学生物系,获理学硕士;1990年5月至1990年9月,于英国爱丁堡大学应用语言研究所,获英语语言证书;1990年10月至1994年11月,于英国爱丁堡大学理学院细胞及分子生物学研究所 (ICMB),获理学博士。1983年12月至1986年6月及1989年7月至1990年4月,在中国市政工程东北设计院污水处理试验室任助理工程师;1994年10月至1995年6月,在英国爱丁堡大学理学院生物学教学组织任教学助理;1996年1月至1999年1月,在日本国理化学研究所筑波生命科学中心作博士后研究员;1999年1月至2002年1月,在日本国(原)通商产业省工业技术研究院(AIST)生命科学及人类技术研究所(NIBH)任AIST研究员和日本科学技术振兴事业团(JST) STA特别研究员;2002年1月至2003年2月,在日本国(独立行政法人)产业技术综合研究所(AIST)基因研究中心任客座研究员;2003年3月至2007年3月,在分子酶学工程教育部重点实验室(吉林大学)任教授,博士生指导教师,实验室副主任;2007年4月至今,在bet365365娱乐场工作。






1.专利名称:核酸筛选的检测芯片/(日文)核酸-選別用センサーチプ(英文)Sensor Chip for Nucleic Acids Selection
专利申请人:山崎和彦(Kazuhiko Yamasaki)郝东云(Dongyun Hao)


1.Hao Dongyun Studies on nicotine N-demethylation in cell suspension cultures of Nicotiana tabacum L cv Wisconsin-38. PhD thesis, the University of Edinburgh Press1994.
2.Hao Dongyun and Yeoman, Michael M.* Mechanism of nicotine N-demethylation in tobacco cell suspension cultures. Phytochemistry1996, 41: 477-482.
3.Hao Dongyun and Yeoman, Michael M.* Nicotine N-demethylase in cell-free preparations from tobacco cell cultures. Phytochemistry1996, 42: 325-329.
4.Hao Dongyun and Yeoman, Michael M.* Evidence in favour of an oxidative N-demethylation of nicotine to nornicotine in tobacco cell cultures. Journal of Plant Physiology1998, 152: 420-426.
5.Hao Dongyun, Ohme-Takagi Masaru and Sarai Akinori* Unique mode of GCC-box recognition by the ERF-domain of ethylene responsive element binding factors in plant. Journal of Biological Chemistry1998, 273: 26857-26861.
6.Hao Dongyun, Yamasaki Kazuhiko, Sarai Akinori and Ohme-Takagi Masaru* Determinants in the sequence specific binding of two plant transcription factors CBF1 and NtERF2 to the DRE and GCC motifs. Biochemistry 2002, 41(13): 4202-4208.
7.Hao Dongyun, Ohme Takagi Masaru and Yamasaki Kazuhiko* A modified chip surface lasmon resonance enables a rapid determination of the sequence binding specificity of DNA-binding proteins. FEBS Letter 2003, 536 (1-3): 151-156.
8.Omagari Katsumi, Yoshimura Hidehisa, Takano Mitsunori, Hao Dongyun, Ohmori Masayuki, Sarai Akinori and Suyama Akira* Systematic single base-pair substitution analysis of DNA binding by the cAMP receptor protein in Cyanobacterium synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. FEBS Letter 2004, 563 (1-3): 55-58.
9.Chen Fei, Wang Ruijian, Li Zhe, Liu Bin, Wang Xiaoping, Sun Yanhong, Hao Dongyun* and Zhang Jin* A novel replicating circular DNAzyme. Nucleic Acids Research2004, 32 (7), 1-6.
10.Zhou Jinsong, Hao Dongyun, Wang Xudong, Liu Teimei, He Chengyan, Xie Feng, Sun Yanhong and Zhang Jin* An important role of a“probable ATP-binding component of ABC transporter” during the process of Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistance to fluoroquinolone. Proteomics2006, 6(8): 2495-2503.
11.Xi Jinghui, Wang Xu, Yue Lin, Li Shanyu, Zhou Xin, Fan Jia, Hao Dongyun* Polyethylene glycol fractionation improved detection of low-abundant proteins by two-dimensional electrophoresis analysis of plant proteome. Phytochemistry2006, 67: 2341-2348. 12.Chen Fei, Li Zhe, Yang Shuo, Wang Ruijian, Liu Bin, Song yuming, Sun Yanhong, Hao Dongyun and Wang Xiaoping* Inhibition of Ampicillin-resistance in Bacteria by Modified DNAzymes. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 24 (4): 491-495.
13.Huang Lu, Qu Hezhi, Zhang Lei, Du Shanshan, Yang Shuo, Hao Dongyun and Wang Xiaoping* Purification and Characterization of a Proteolytic Enzyme from Fig Latex.Chemical Research in Chinese Universities2008, 24(3): 348-352.
14.Wang Shichen, Yang Shuo, YinYuejia, Guo Xiaosen, Wang Shan and Hao Dongyun* An in silico strategy identified the target gene candidates regulated by dehydration responsive element binding proteins (DREBs) in Arabidopsis genome. Plant Molecular Biology2009, 69: 167-178.
15.Wang Shichen, Yang Shuo, Yin Yuejia, Xi Jinghui, Li Shanyu and Hao Dongyun *Molecular dynamics simulations reveal the disparity in specific recognition of GCC-box by AtERFs transcription factors super family in Arabidopsis. Journal of Molecular Recognition2009, 22: 1–6.
16.Sun Liwen, Wang Shichen, Xi Jinghui, Yang Shuo, Liu Xiangguo, Chai Xin, Xin Hongbao, An Baiyi, Hao Dongyun*A fractionation procedure for identifying novel proteins induced by chill stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biotechnology letters2009, 31: 1289–1295.
17.Yang Shuo, Wang Shichen, Liu Xiangguo, Yu Ying, Yue Lin, Wang Xiaoping and Hao Dongyun* Four divergent Arabidopsis ERF domains bind to a target DNA motif with a universal CG step core recognition and different flanking bases preference. FEBS Journal2009, 276: 7177-7186.
18.Lu Yang, Liu Xiangguo, Yu Ying, Qu Hezhi, Yang Shuo, Ning Bo, Wang Xiaoping* and Hao Dongyun* Isolation and characterization of two novel genes encoding alkaline esterases from an alkaline soil metagenomic library. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities2010, 26(4): 583-590.
19.Liu Xiangguo, Wang Xiaoping, Li Wanfeng, Yang Shuo, Zhou Xin, Li Sijie, Li Xiangjun, Hao Dongyun* and Fan Zhimin* Ca2+-binding protein S100A11: a novel diagnostic marker for breast carcinoma. Oncology Reports2010, 23(5):1301-1308.
20.Li Yidan, Chu Zhizhan, Liu Xiangguo, Jing Haichun, Liu Yaoguang* and Hao DongYun*A Cost-effective High-resolution Melting Approach using the EvaGreen Dye for DNA Polymorphism Detection and Genotyping in Plants. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology2010, 52(12): 1036-1042.
21.Wang Shan, Yang Shuo, An Baiyi, Wang Shichen, Yin Yuejia, Lu Yang, Xu Ying and Hao Dongyun* Molecular Dynamics Analysis Reveals Structural Insights into Mechanism of Nicotine N-Demethylation Catalyzed by Tobacco Cytochrome P450 Mono-Oxygenase. PLosONE2011, 6(8): e23342.
22.Lu Yang, Yu Ying, Zhou Rui, Sun Wei, Dai Chunyan, Wan Pei, Zhang LanYing and Hao Dongyun and Ren Hejun* Cloning and characterization of a novel 2,4-dichlorophenol hydroxylase from a metagenomic library derived from polychlorinated biphenyls contaminated soil. Biotechnology letters2011, 33(6): 1159-1167.
23.Yu Ying, Liu Xiangguo, Lu Yang, Dou Yao, Wang Huyi, Feng Shudan, Han Siping and Hao Dongyun * Novel type II peroxiredoxin gene homologue from Chinese wildrye enhances salt tolerance in yeast. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities2011, 27 (6): 1000-1005.
24.CUI Xiyan, LIU Jing, DING Zhixin and Hao Dongyun* Cloning of Maize MAPK5 Gene Fragment and Its Construction of RNA Interfering Vector. Journal of Jilin Agricultutal University 2012, 34(4): 368-372.
25.Wang Shan, Yin Yanbin, Ma Qin, Tang Xiaojia, Hao Dongyun* and Xu Ying* Genome-scale identification of cell-wall related genes in Arabidopsis based on co-expression network analysis. BMC Plant Biology 2012, 12(138): 1471-2229
26.席景会, 殷建文, 岳琳, 李善玉, 周欣, 王旭, 郝东云. 拟南芥全细胞蛋白质样品制备及其双向电泳条件的优化. 吉林大学学报(理学版), 2006, 44(6): 1011-1014.
27.安佰义, 席景会, 杨朔, 郝东云. 烟草去甲基尼古丁产生的机理. 植物学通报, 2007, 24(4): 544-552.
28.李善玉, 范佳, 席景会, 张海玉, 杜宏伟,周欣, 王旭, 宁波, 刘兰英, 郝东云.哮喘大鼠淋巴细胞蛋白质组的分析.高等学校化学学报, 2008,
29(7):1696-1700 29.张雷, 曲和之, 黄露, 杜姗姗, 郝东云, 王晓平. 无花果叶超氧化物歧化酶的分离纯化及性质研究. 高等学校化学学报, 2008, 29(8): 1588-1591.
30.曲和之, 杜姗姗, 郝东云, 张雷, 黄露, 王晓平. 人CuZn-SOD的分子改造及在毕赤酵母中的表达. 高等学校化学学报, 2008, 29(7): 1390-1392.
31.曲和之, 黄露, 张国华, 张雷, 郝东云, 王晓平. 无花果蛋白酶与木瓜蛋白酶部分理化性质的比较研究. 吉林大学学报(理学版), 2008, 46(6): 1217-1220.
32.路杨, 刘相国, 杨朔, 宁波, 张晓英, 郝东云. 地下水中猛离子氧化细菌的分离与筛选鉴定. 吉林大学学报地球科学版, 2009, 39(6): 1117-1121.
33.李蕊沁, 冯树丹*, 于莹, 吕召志, 黎莉, 徐明华, 尹悦佳, 郝东云*. 羊草几丁质酶ClassⅡ基因的克隆、生物信息学分析及原核表达. 中国农业科技导报, 2010, 12 (2): 103-110.
34.吕召志, 冯树丹*, 于莹, 李蕊沁, 黎莉, 徐明华, 尹悦佳, 韩四平, 郝东云*. 羊草LVAP1基因的克隆及生物信息学分析. 哈尔滨商业大学学报自然科学版, 2010, 6: 651-656.
35.陈宏宇, 冯树丹, 刘相国, 尹悦佳, 于莹, 杨丽颖, 郝东云.NaCl和Na2CO3胁迫下的高粱MAPKs基因家族表达模式.吉林大学学报(理学版)2012, 50(01): 139-146
36.焦丽, 刘相国, 杨春明, 王虎义, 郝东云, 王庆钰*.高分辨率溶解曲线分析技术在大豆EcoTILLING中的应用. 大豆科学2011, 05.
37.刘相国, 郝东云*, 李凤霞*.香花槐遗传转化体系的建立及抗逆基因cbf1导入的初探. 东北师大学报(自然科学版)2007, 12(39): 93-96.

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